“I started giving a copy of Wishes of the Soul to everyone I do business with, and I just couldn’t believe the response I got. Not only did I get a ton of telephone calls and thank you notes—which by the way, I never once got for the very expensive gifts I have given in the past—but, I even landed a new account I’ve been trying to get for years!”
Tara N— San Diego, CA
"Allow these words and images to saturate your spirit for an interlude of reflection, Grace and peace from the pen of Alexander BerardiÉThis wonderful little book helps us look deep within our soul and rediscover the parts of ourselves we thought were forever lost."
Zig Ziglar—Motivational Speaker and Author
"We all seek mirrors in which we see reflected the "Wishes of the Soul". I have found such a mirror in Alexander Berardi's simple yet profound poem, expressed through accompanying beautiful visuals. As a visually oriented person, I find that the illustrations illuminate the text, revealing new meanings. The message that reverberates through "Wishes of the Soul" is immensely comforting and life affirming. It is a blueprint for living the good life, and every step is resonant with God's grace and love.
I have been aware of Alexander Berardi's work for years and enjoy his almost intuitive sense of God's grace and wisdom. In this slim volume, you can savor that balm for the soul, as filtered through Berardi's sensitive and passionate words. In short: this small book can make a big difference in your life."
Thomas Kinkade—Painter of Light
"Some of he most powerful words ever expressed about the most important of human values: courage, service, humor, tenacity, acceptance, friendship and peace."
Chris Singleton—Pro baseball player and radio commentator
"What a wonderful book! It is small enough that reading it takes little effort, and yet the words are so sensitive and encouraging, I've read it more than once. It makes me think, but always in a good way. It is beautifully illustrated and soothing to look at. The CD is so calming and relaxing. However, I wouldn't suggest listening to it while driving as it can definitely put you in a different time and place where traffic and congestion just don't fit in. Seriously, the book and CD are a wonderful combination of peace, challenge and development of self! I highly recommend both of them!"
Jackie Talty,RN—Whiting, NJ
"The book and tape are very peaceful and thought-provoking."
Lucille Richards—Central Jersey VNA
"'Wishes of the Soul' by Alexander J. Berardi ... was one of the most uplifting and inspiring messages I have ever read. Many of my family and friends are struggling with life in general and I want them to be able to keep it at their sides as I have ... for the good times and the bad. Mr. Berardi has surely blessed us all with his book and CD. Thank you so very much! I will be ordering more to keep on hand for those who I feel are in need. Probably should order them by the case."
Gertrude Acker—Palmyra,VA
"'Wishes of the Soul', says what's in our hearts but we're afraid to say out loud."
Pam Hatchard—Designer and Owner, F.A.I.T.H. Company- Addison, Texas
"Used Wishes of the Soul as a 'Fund Raiser' gift! We placed a copy of Wishes of the Soul at each place setting at our last Fundraiser Luncheon. People are still talking about it. It was a huge hit!"
Reverend Riley Grandel—Gulf Shore Church, Bonita Springs, FL
Alexander Berardi is a renegade. No matter how you measure it. This bestselling author and acclaimed professional speaker thinks, plans, analyzes, moves, acts, reacts and does business in total opposition to the mainstream crowd... and he teaches a worldwide legion of followers to do the same.
Using a counterintuitive thinking strategy he calls, Counter-think(tm) he's helping businesspeople around the world to consistently outrun, outperform, outsell and outmaneuver their competition...simply by thinking differently.
This former medical researcher... turned highly successful entrepreneur... turned world-renowned business strategist, is fast becoming known for his quirky insights... like combining the science of epidemiology (the branch of medical science dealing with the spreading of disease) with the principles of marketing.
Berardi insists ideas and attitudes are contagious, and can systematically be propagated from person to person, thus enabling savvy businesspeople to spread their ideas, concepts and products through the marketplace... like the flu.
Unconventional as his methods may be, they seem to be universally effective. Berardi's followers, which number in the tens of thousands, operate in over 100 different fields, and in markets in North, Central and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Middle East.
Berardi's not just an advocate of the concept he calls counterintuitive thinking, he's a lifelong practitioner... a trait that becomes obvious in his own business practices.
While most speaking professionals spend small fortunes on glitzy promotional materials- like demo videos, this renegade still refuses to produce one. Instead, Berardi offers his clients an unprecedented money back guarantee.
He's has been speaking professionally for over ten years, and has yet to have anyone ask for their money back. And given Berardi's overbooked speaking schedule- especially in a climate of corporate penny pinching and shrinking events budgets, that has sent many veteran speakers into the streets begging- the bean counters who manage his financial affairs admit, he appears to be onto something.
Berardi's bestselling book, "Never Offer Your Comb to a Bald Man," originally published in 2001, and since translated into several languages, walks readers down the counterintuitive path of servant leadership and outlines Berardi's trademark strategy for running stronger, more profitable, less problematic organizations.
Berardi's counterintuitive principles quickly became a worldwide phenomena and catapulted this self-proclaimed "painful introvert" into the spotlight as a much beloved business speaker. And, as one might expect from a renegade, Berardi's not your stereotypical motivational speaker, either.
Compared to the slick and glitzy, self-enamored, hyperactive, cookie cutter, convention speaker we've all grown weary of listening to, Berardi's subtle, laidback style and content-laden presentations are both refreshing and compelling. Not a proponent of high-tech presentation aids or cheesy stunts- like "fire walking"- and with a presentation style that is shy on theatrics (although, he often incorporates live music into his presentations), Berardi makes his way across the highly competitive speaker's circuit as a storyteller. And he's a masterful one at that.
In his own stealthy way, Berardi is a master motivator. He has a seemingly uncanny ability to translate complex ideas and insights into a language the rest of us can understand. He then weaves his wisdom nuggets together with a patchwork of intoxicating stories and colorful examples that leave even the most jilted seminar goers overflowing with enthusiasm.
Watching him at work- whether on stage, consulting with a client over the telephone, or interacting with his staff- even the most casual observer can tell he deeply cares about people.
Berardi's not at all what you'd expect, given his renegade reputation. From the moment you meet him, his unassuming nature, and shy, boyish manner are disarming. He's totally at ease on stage, too- conversing with the crowd like they were a group of close friends over for dinner. Only when you engage him one-on-one do you begin to see his trademark bashfulness come into play.
His growing legion of followers seems to venerate him. Membership in his recently formed, CounterThink Tank® (a member's only inner circle of followers who, by design of the organization, are granted closer, more personal access to their guru, as well as more timely, higher caliber insights into his offbeat business building strategies) already has a waiting list.
In response to an overwhelming demand for this contrarian's teachings, Berardi's team plans on releasing a series of "workshop in a box" products for those unable to attend his live programs. There's also talk of expanding his monthly teleseminar schedule and adding some web-based seminars as well.
Berardi is a homebody- more country than country club. He counts spending time alone with his wife, sleeping in his own bed, and attending mid-week worship services at his home church among the simple pleasures in life, which, with an increasingly assiduous speaking schedule and more international travel on the horizon, are destined to become even more prized.
Although you'd most likely get an argument from Berardi himself, those closest to him would be among the first to tell you that the "Wishes of the Soul" project reveals the "true" man behind the public image.
For a sample of his often offbeat, but consistently pragmatic and immediately applicable advice--guaranteed to help you grow your business, focus your thinking and tickle your spirit, view his weekly video podcasts at www.CounterThink.TV. Tune in and we'll say this: Sometimes you're gonna love what he's got to say... Sometimes you're gonna hate what he's got to say... But, one thing's for sure, no matter what he's got to say...it'll never be boring!
For information regarding Alexander Berardi's other books, workshops, tele-seminars, training materials, video and audio recordings, or to inquire about booking him to speak at your next company event or tradeshow visit his website at: www.alexanderberardi.com